King Medical Supply
431 W 13th Avenue
Suite 4
Eugene, OR 97401
Phone: (541)345-0391
Toll Free:(800)207-8322
Fax: (541)345-0392
Or use the contact button located at
the bottom of the page.

King Medical Supply
- KMS is a home health care supply shop specializing in ostomy supplies.
- We carry all forms of supplies and deal with custom silicone design prosthetics as well.
- Consulting and insurance billing service are available upon request.
- KMS is the owners of Whoo-Noz deodorant tablets formula (Illeostomy). KMS is an authorized dealer for Odor-Cide Liquid (Urostomy).
KMS is known nationally among ET's as,
'The Convexity Specialists'
Special Offer! |
Mention this site to receive a free sample of Whoo-Noz deodorant tablets.
9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. weekdays 9 a.m. to noon most Saturdays
Member of the United Ostomy Association
Family owned and operated since 1981
Mention you saw us on the Internet!